1) Close all audio apps and the Lynx Mixer
2) Click Start > All Programs > Lynx Studio Technology > Uninstall Lynx Driver
3) Reboot when prompted
4) Download and install the current driver build for Thunderbolt/AES16e
5) When used with an AES16e, there is no reason to update the Aurora firmware so we will skip this next 3 steps
6) If using Thunderbolt, download and run the latest firmware updater for the Aurora. Only update if the new version differs from the existing version (this will be shown from the main page of the updater)
7) When complete turn off the Aurora and unplug it from AC
8) Plug AC back in and turn the unit back on
9) Now download and install the current firmware updater for Thunderbolt. Only update if the new version differs from the existing version (this will be shown from the main page of the updater)
10) When complete turn off the Aurora and unplug it from AC
11) Plug AC back in and turn the unit back on. It will now be completely up to date
Thunderbolt macOS
1) Close all audio apps and the Lynx Mixer
2) Download the current driver build
3) The driver elements will be extracted to a folder called Lynx_OSX_XXX. Within that folder is a file called "Uninstall Lynx Driver". Run this program and reboot when prompted
4) Return to the Lynx_OSX_XXX folder and click Lynx_OSX.pkg to run the driver installer
5) Reboot when prompted
6) When used with an AES16e, there is no reason to update the Aurora firmware so we will skip this next 3 steps
7) If using Thunderbolt, download and run the latest firmware updater for the Aurora. Only update if the new version differs from the existing version (this will be shown from the main page of the updater)
8) When complete turn off the Aurora and unplug it from AC
9) Plug AC back in and turn the unit back on
10) Now download and install the current firmware updater for Thunderbolt. Only update if the new version differs from the existing version (this will be shown from the main page of the updater)
11) When complete turn off the Aurora and unplug it from AC
12) Plug AC back in and turn the unit back on. It will now be completely up to date
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